VW assistant and a customer checking tablet at a counter

Certified Collision Repair Facility

A collision can lead to setbacks on your journey ahead. Restore your vehicle (and your peace of mind) when you bring it to a Volkswagen Certified Collision Repair Facility (CCRF). They’ve got the right people, parts, tools, and know-how to get the job done according to Volkswagen standards. And yours.

Find a Volkswagen Certified Collision Repair Facility.

Quality first. And last.

We have the right people, the right parts, the right tools, and the know-how to get the job done right and to Volkswagen standards.

  • The right choice

    By taking your car to a Volkswagen Certified Collision Repair Facility (CCRF) you will receive:

    • Trained employees, certified in Volkswagen collision repair, perform the work on your vehicle
    • All services will follow repair procedures per Volkswagen standards
    • The facility will endeavor to use Genuine Volkswagen Parts when possible
    • Employees have access to exclusive Volkswagen technical tools and repair information
    • All vehicles under warranty will be maintained

    If you were in an accident and have an active new or certified pre-owned vehicle warranty, call for Volkswagen Roadside Assistance toll-free at (800) 411-6688Opens a phone link for no-charge towing of Volkswagen vehicles to the facility nearest to you.

  • We're here to help

    Here’s some advice on choosing a collision repair shop:

    • Check with your Consultant at your Volkswagen dealer to see if they recommend a particular Volkswagen CCRF—some dealerships actually have on-site collision repair facilities
    • Ask friends or family members who drive a VW for a recommendation
    • When talking with a CCRF or other repair shop, ask about training, certifications, and qualifications
    • Ask the shop if they use Genuine Volkswagen Parts, and whether they have offers on Volkswagen Genuine Parts
    • Listen to your gut, and make sure you feel comfortable working with the shop before making a commitment

    If you were in an accident and have an active new or certified pre-owned vehicle warranty, call for Volkswagen Roadside Assistance toll-free at (800) 411-6688Opens a phone link for no-charge towing of Volkswagen vehicles to the facility nearest to you.

  • Peace of mind

    Remember, not even your insurance company can insist that you use a specific shop, so don’t commit to any facility until you’re comfortable they’re the right folks to get the job done. What’s the best way to get that peace of mind? Insist on having your car repaired at a Volkswagen Certified Repair Facility with Genuine Volkswagen Parts.

    If you were in an accident and have an active new or certified pre-owned vehicle warranty, call for Volkswagen Roadside Assistance toll-free at (800) 411-6688Opens a phone link for no-charge towing of Volkswagen vehicles to the facility nearest to you.

Woman in orange vest placing hazard triangle in road.
24-hour roadside assistance

The 24-hour VW roadside assistance program provides peace of mind and support during your adventures. With a skilled customer service team and a nationwide towing network, you can rely on quick assistance when you need it.

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