Interior of Volkswagen vehicle with optional hand control unit installed.

Driver Access Program

Mobility is the foundation for an independent lifestyle. Volkswagen can help drivers who need to make driver-accessible specific modifications in their eligible Volkswagen vehicle. Our Driver Access Program offers up to $1,000 in reimbursement for these eligible modifications, including the purchase and installation of:

  • Hand controls
  • Reduced effort braking systems
  • Pedal and steering wheel extensions
  • Adaptive electronic controls
  • Lift equipment and carriers
  • Other assist equipment

Please note: Dealership items (i.e. running boards) are not eligible.

Get up to $1,000 reimbursement

Our Driver Access Program offers up to $1,000 in reimbursement for eligible modifications mentioned above.

Download the Incentive Help Desk form for complete details and claim submission requirements.

Download the form

Vehicle modification program details

How the program works

After the purchase of an eligible Volkswagen vehicle and approved claim submission according to program rules, the customer can be reimbursed up to $1,000.

  • To be eligible for this payment, equipment must be installed in an eligible new, unused, or Certified Pre-Owned Volkswagen model within the program period
  • The modification must be installed no later than 1-year after the purchase date
  • The claim submission to Volkswagen must be submitted no later than 1-year after the purchase date (regardless of modification date)
  • All claim form submissions must include adequate documentation required by the Driver Access Program (i.e. copy of paid invoices and installation receipts)
  • Purchase and installation of eligible adaptive equipment that cost less than $1,000 will be reimbursed at the actual cost. For example, eligible modifications that cost $800, will be reimbursed $800. Eligible vehicle modifications that cost $1,500, will be reimbursed the maximum $1,000
  • All reimbursement payments will be directly paid to the retail customer

Contact the Volkswagen Incentives Help Desk

1 (877) 299-0505Opens a phone link

ihd@vw.comOpens a mail link

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